Religious Liberty Prayer Alert: At least 11 killed, more than 40 injured in church bombings in Indonesia

Debris seen outside the Santa Maria church in Surabaya, May 13, 2018.  (Associated Press)

At least 11 people were killed and more than 40 others injured in suicide bomb attacks targeting 3 churches in Surabaya, Indonesia. According to reports, the attacks were suspected to have been carried out by Ansharut Daulah (JAD) a local-ISIS inspired group.

The bombings targeted Sunday worship services (13 May) at the Santa Maria Tak Bercela Catholic Church (STMB) on Jl. Ngagel Madya in Gubeng, Surabaya Pentecostal Church (GPPS) on Jl. Raya Arjuna and Diponegoro Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) on Jl. Diponegoro.

It is alleged that the attack on the Diponegoro Indonesian Christian Church was carried out by a woman and 2 children who detonated explosives. Media reports also state that the attacks were carried out by 6 members of a single family.

We strongly condemn this mindless attack on Christians in Surabaya,” said Godfrey Yogarajah, the Deputy Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance. “We stand in solidarity with Christians in Indonesia during this difficult time and call on the global Church to pray for all those affected in the attacks,” he added.

Prayer points:

  • Pray for God’s comfort upon those grieving the loss of loved ones
  • Pray for God’s healing upon those injured in the attacks
  • Pray that the Indonesian government would carry out a thorough investigation into the incident and take all steps necessary to ensure the safety of Christians in the country

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