Join Global Outreach Day this Saturday, May 26th


From Samoa to South Africa, from Japan to Jamaica – the Church of Jesus Christ is awakening to follow its original calling: Every believer is a witness!

On Global Outreach Day – May 26th, 2018, we call every church, every denomination and every believer to pray and to share the Gospel.

The vision of Global Outreach Day is for every believer to share the Gospel on the last Saturday of May every year. Millions of Christians in more than 140 nations are already sharing the Gospel on that day. It is a starting point for many Christians to live a lifestyle of evangelism.

It's not too late to mobilize your church and participate in the Global Outreach Day this year. It will serve as a catalyst for you to mobilize the whole church. Visit to find useful tools and resources that help you share the Gospel in your neighborhood – including a 3-step training brochure for evangelism.

"I encourage and appeal to everyone that we go out on Global Outreach Day and share the good news of salvation and make disciples of all the nations of the world."

– Bp Efraim Tendero, Secretary General, WEA


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