Prayer Alert: Executive Officer of the Latin Evangelical Alliance targetted in a shooting in Tegucigalpa, Honduras


On 15 December 2016, the Executive Officer of the Alianza Evangélica Latina (Latin American Evangelical Alliance), Ps Jorge Machado, and his wife were targetted in a drive-by shooting at their home in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. While Ps Machado and his wife survived the shooting, a military policeman was killed and one other security official was seriously wounded in the attack.

By request of Juan Orlando Hernández, the President of Honduras,Ps Machado and the President of the Alianza Evangélica Latina, Ps Alberto Solórzano were serving with a special commission to eradicate corruption in the in the national police. It is believed that the shooting was a reaction to the work of the commission, which included the retiring of around 1000 police officers on charges of corruption.

The WEA calls on its global family to pray for the Machado family during this difficult time and for God’s intervention in Honduras, where violence and corruption have increased over the years. The WEA also urges prayer for those fighting against corruption and crime in Honduras, that they would stand firm and continue their work despite the opposition.

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