EEA GA Newsletter

The EEA Newsletter brings news from Europe, provided by staff, members and partners

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3D Puzzle

Last week’s EEA General Assembly was really great. Who would have thought that the theme From Exclusion to Inclusion, which was set last November, would be such a timely subject? I hope you read the report about the EEA GA 2015 already. Otherwise you can find it here. You will realize how fitting our theme was and how it has taken us forward in our task. More


Pray with us

  1. EEA Refugee Taskforce 
  2. Call to Action
  3. National Alliances, churches and organisations involved in refugee relief




Beyond comfort zones

European Christians need to step out of their comfort zones to embrace strangers, be it new arrivals or existing neighbours of different ethnicity, culture or faith.More

Empfang Landesbischof July

Der württembergische Landesbischof Frank Otfried July (Stuttgart) hat den weltweiten Missionsauftrag der Christenheit betont. Dabei müsse das Evangelium von Jesus Christus mit der Vielfalt von Kulturen und Lebensbedingungen verknüpft werden More

A Call to Action to the Evangelical Community across Europe

Throughout history, there have been mass movements of people into, out of and across Europe. As a result, we have seen invasion and conflict, prejudice and persecution, changing country borders and evolving and blending rich cultures. More



Advise & Challenges

The speakers of the EEA General Assembly presented an advise or challenge in the closing session. We have collected them for you.More



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