ILF2016 Participants Send ‘A Message of Goodwill from the WEA to All the People of Korea’


Participants at WEA's International Leadership Forum (ILF) in Seoul, Korea, prepared a statement on the situation of the divided Korea. 'A Message of Goodwill from the WEA to All the People of Korea' was adopted unanimously by all those who voted on Friday, March 4, 2016.


A Message of Goodwill from the WEA to All the People of Korea

We, the participants at the 2016 International Leadership Forum of the World Evangelical Alliance, meeting in Seoul, Korea, come with goodwill towards all the Korean people who live in this peninsula. Each day millions of evangelicals around the world pray for the Korean people on both sides of the DMZ.

We share a common humanity with you. We are all made in God’s image. God, our creator, yearns for all of us to reflect His love and care for one another. In that we all fall short.

In the spirit of reconciliation that Jesus entrusted to us, we pray for all the Korean people and the leaders of both governments that throughout this peninsula there will be peace and harmony.

All our nations bear the scars of history and strife of previous generations, which we all regret and none of us would have chosen. We want to be those who heal the wounds of the past and leave a lasting legacy of peace for our children and future generations.

We pray that the governments both in and outside the peninsula may be guided by God to undertake peacemaking initiatives in a spirit of mutual respect, not of condemnation. We commit ourselves to pray that the God of peace will be with all those who undertake these difficult tasks, which appear to be impossible in our own strength but with God’s help we can achieve lasting peace.

WEA International Leadership Forum
Seoul, Korea, March 4, 2016

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