May Newsletter from the European Evangelical Alliance


News from Europe


Pray with us

  1. Continue praying for Europe, think of Serbia, Ukraine
  2. Preparations for the General Assembly
  3. Pray for the upcoming EurECA Conference, the Global Children’s Forum
  4. Scholarships for GA
  5. European Leadership Forum (ELF), many or our staff are attending this forum. Pray for opportunities to meet with strategic people.


  • EEA General Assembly 20 – 23 October 2014
  • Bible & Culture  (July)  Organised by IFES every year in Berlin, 4 weeks for  students & recent graduates wanting to really integrate biblical thinking into contemporary issues.
  • European Student Forum (September) Organised by IFES & EEA every other year in Brussels. For students & recent graduates feeling called to serve God in the public arena.
  • Cross Currents ‘ Politics Group. (November)  Organised by IFES, 2 weekends per year for 3 years for Evangelicals already working in politics (including the civil service, NGOs, party politics).


Next Newsletter

The next newsletter will be in your mailbox end of August. If you wish to contribute, sendyour piece no later then August 28th.


God can do it again – Following the developments in the Ukraine triggers a lot of thoughts in my mind. Some time ago I watched a series about the history of Switzerland. Throughout our history we were several times at the verge of civil war and in 1848 there was actually one which lasted for 25 days. It was interesting to see how Switzerland was spared of a lot of pain and damage which could have occurred. Read More

General Assembly

EEA will have its yearly assembly from 20 to 23rd of October. The General Assembly is open for members and strategic partners and other interested networks or organizations. The location EEA has chosen is Kings Park, Northampton, UK. This centre is conveniently located between Birmingham and London and offers good conference facilities. Visit our webpage for more information.

Situation of freedom of Religion

Christel Ngnambi – The European Parliament hosted an event on the situation of freedom of religion or belief around the world. This event had been planned for October 2013 but fell through because of an MEP's office. Among EPRID, we had been spreading the word and I had been chosen to speak on behalf of civil society. My speech focussed on the progres we have achieved in recent years…. More

Sectarian excesses

Brussels, 16 April — Mr Rudy Salles, a French centre-right politician, had made a vow upon his nomination at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to Europeanise an even worse version of the French 'anti-sect' policy. His draft report, entitled “The protection of minors against excesses of sects,” encouraged states to identify some  communities pejoratively as “sects” and to ensure that they are strictly monitored and restricted by the state. More

The Network Works

A European Freedom Network (EFN) partner said recently, “EFN is the best network out there. It’s a network that actually works!” The European Religious Liberty Forum (ERLF) has created a network of religious liberty friends who also know how to collaborate efficiently. The network works. EEA founded and facilitates both these networks. ERLF brings But EEA itself is a network which works.  More


Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis

This a new groundbreaking 12-episode DVD series which supports a biblical worldview with empirical scientific evidence and offers defensible answers to some of the most provocative and contro-versial questions.More

State of Europe Forum 2014

Harry Bryans – Athens, 8 – 9th May The forum began on Thursday evening in the stately Old Parliament Building, continuing the next morning with a bible study on Mars Hill,  More

Towards a Free and Plural Italy

Evangelical delegation meets with Home Secretary, Angelino Alfano.  “Evangelicals are a minority which nonetheless contributes to make Italy a free and plural nation”. This is the message that Giacomo Ciccone, president of the Italian Evangelical Alliance, took to the Home Secretary, Angelino Alfano, on a special meeting in Rome on April 8th. More

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