Prayer Requests for Syria and North India


Integral Alliance, a WEA Global Partner, shared prayer requests for their work in Syria and North India:

Syria Crisis

The issue in brief:

Since the fighting began back in 2011, more than 6.8 million Syrians have been affected by the Crisis inside with 4.25 million living as internally displaced people. Inside Syria people lack food, safe drinking water and their health status is deteriorating rapidly.  A further 1.85 million Syrians are living as refugees in neighbouring countries, with an average of 6,000 more fleeing over the border on a daily basis. The United Nations is calling this the worst humanitarian crisis since the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Funding is limited, and the UN have only seen at 35% response to their call for funding.

Prayer points:

Pray for favour, funding and opportunity for Integral Members and their partners to respond, in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. A significant amount of food distribution is happening though local churches, particularly in Lebanon. Please pray strength for Christian communities reaching out, and for the love of God to be communicated through their actions.  

North India Flooding

The issue in brief:

Integral Members are responding to the effects of the flooding and cloud burst in Uttarakhand state in Northern India – around 6,000 people are estimated to have lost their lives and 1.25 million people are affected.  There has been widespread infrastructure damage and a continued risk of landslides and further flooding, as monsoon rains continue, making bringing relief very hazardous.

Prayer point:

Pray for safety for those responding, and pray particularly for Integral partner, EFICOR after an accident involving a truck full of food supplies due to the hazardous road conditions, resulting in the death of the driver.

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