Praying for the Poor – Exposed 2013

Global Prayer Resource Network

“We need to understand that poverty will not be eradicated in this life.
However, it does not mean that we must not do our utmost to feed them. “

Bennie Mostert ~

An estimated 1.02 billion people in the world go hungry. Each year, three million children under the age of five die because they are undernourished. Far more children live with malnutrition than die from it. For infants and young children, the effects of chronic malnutrition in the early years of life are almost always irreversible.

To pray for the needs of people, those things that people are struggling with from day to day in the ‘real world’, is one of the greatest privileges that we as Christians have and one of the greatest opportunities to show people that we care for them and love them and that Jesus cares for them and loves them.  
For guidelines on how to pray for the poor

One of the greatest obstacles when dealing with extreme poverty is Corruption.  

From 14 – 20 October 2013, the EXPOSED campaign aims to mobilize Christians to join with wider society in exposing the practices that oppress the poor and use this time to intercede for this issue.

Why don't you consider organizing a gathering (large or small!) at some point during that week, and please invite other groups, Churches, Bible studies, prayer meetings, schools, classes to do the same!   Perhaps you could do it in your office or in your home with some friends and neighbors, perhaps during your Sunday Church service, or in your class, office, or community?

Every gathering 'Shines a Light!'

Here's how you can become involved: 
(you might consider forwarding this to a few of your colleagues and friends and ask them to do the same)

  • Please WATCH this short video (2 minutes) about the EXPOSED Vigils 
  • Simply invite a few friends, set a venue, and download prayers, scripture readings and the video from HERE
  • Please REGISTER your Global Vigil on the map here, so that others can see it (shine a light!) or join you if it is an open meeting or service! 
  • Post some pictures, video, or a short report on your website, Facebook and Twitter.  Please use the hashtag #ShineALight 
  • At your Vigil, and during the week, please get as many people as you can to sign the Global Call to end corruption. Simply go HERE on your computer, cellphone or tablet  or visit the website and sign up there, or download and print a signup sheet to gather signatures automatically 

Praying Through the Window

October 2013

21 Days for Global Harvest

29 September – 19 October 2013

“God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil …”   – E.M. Bounds
Founder GPRN
[email protected]


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