Micah Network Prayer Alert: Typhoon Devastates Philippines


Haiyan (Yolanda)

On the 8th November 2013 one of the most powerful typhoons (category 5 with winds up to 235mph; waves over 19ft) on record hit The Philippines, with the most severe damage being Tacloban City.

  • Estimate of 9.5 million people affected across 9 regions
  • Over 600,000 people are displaced, many without shelter, food and clean water
  • Figures of how many people have been killed is unknown but estimates have risen to 10,000
  • Typhoon continues to wreak damage as it strikes Vietnam and surrounding countries.

Urgent Prayer

Please take time out from your busy schedules to stand in solidarity of prayer for those affected and those responding. In particular let us pray about the follow issues, asking God for his intervention:

  • Access to the affected areas is difficult
  • Urgent need for clean water to reach those affected along with food support.
  • Many displaced are being sheltered in temporary locations but with limited services
  • Response by the all is requested: international aid, local support – above all that an integrated and cooperative response will be coordinated well
  • On-going impact in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and China
  • Trauma support and comfort for those who have loved ones missing or killed
  • Incidents of looting have been reported along with concerns for security
  • PCEC (Philippine Council for Evangelical Churches) / Philrads as they respond to this emergency – that.


Contact PCEC if you want to send support: see www.pceconline.org for details

Integral Alliance members are responding: see www.integralalliance.org for details

Ask the Lord how you can respond in solidarity to those affected?

Micah Network and Integral Alliance are global partners of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). The Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches is WEA's national member body in the Philippines.

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