Dear Friends,
Unless you haven't seen the news in the past week, you know that the political situation in Ukraine continues to get worse on a daily basis. Our friends from the Christian Lawyers Association of Ukraine ask that we pray with them for the ongoing crisis that continues to unfold each day in Kiev. Just two days ago, two protestors were killed by police. Opposition leaders and the Government are planning talks, but the situation seemingly remains out of control. Please pray for a peaceful resolution and stabilization of the situation.
Read more about the situation HERE.
In addition to the ongoing unrest, CLAU President, Ivan Mykhalchuk, ask that we also pray for several new efforts they are starting.
A Project on educating pastors and other active Christians involved in various ministries regarding their rights and obligations (we are printing a small book and plan to visit regions with sessions);
We are starting legal school for the lawyers and students of law schools that will have classes every two months during one-year period. Please pray for the effectiveness of this school from different perspectives.
We are greatly encouraged by the amazing energy and efforts of CLAU and are honored to pray for them.
Thanks again for your continued prayers for Advocates around the globe who are representing people facing persecution and who are sometimes persecuted themselves.
May the Lord bless and keep you in His perfect. . .
Grace and Peace,
Brent McBurney
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