Evangelicals in Africa United & Engaged in Effective Ministry – Afroscope January, February



Evangelicals in Africa United & Engaged in Effective Ministry


“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

This quote was highlighted by Rev. Celestin Musekera, President of the African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries (ALARM) during his passionate plea to the Church to pray and actively intervene in the crisis in South Sudan. This statement continues to hold true in this 1st issue of Afroscope in 2014.

First, for our brethren in the Central African Republic and South Sudan who continue to minister and give hope to affected communities in areas of conflict. Our hope is that the Church in Africa continues to support the National Evangelical Fellowships across the continent struggling to serve in the midst of turmoil, in pursuit of peace and reconciliation in their nations.
Secondly, for the “revival movements” across Africa that are peddling a gospel that is not of Christ in a bid to amass wealth. We are admonished in James 4:17 If anyone, then, knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins” (NIV). Surely, the true Evangelicals cannot keep silent or not act as the flock is led astray by errant shepherds.

All these happenings across the continent formed the basis of our theme for the upcoming 2014 General Assembly in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Lordship of Christ in All things (Col 1:15 ff) be it Politics, Business, Family, Media and the Direction of the Church.  As the definition of truth is ceaselessly struck by the forces of globalization and postmodern relativism the consequences to the Evangelical church in Africa could be dire. 

We invite you to join us in Freetown as we aim to encourage Christians to change their mind set and to present an agenda of total engagement for Churches as they partner with Christ in transforming their world.
God Bless You!


A couple of articles appeared on some pages of the famous French Quarterly “Jeune Afrique” (January-March 2014) about ‘Evangelicals’ who swindle their followers. Honestly, who is an “Evangelical”? Is it any religious movement that preaches using the Bible, or that does Evangelism, uses the name of Jesus Christ and performs miracles, or from the Protestant fraternity and does what other Protestant churches do? ... Read more


On the even­­­­ing of January 14th 2014, The World Evangelical Alliance held their first WEA Appreciation Dinner at the Harvard Club of New York. The organization welcomed many leaders and ambassadors of Africa to manifest their appreciation for their work. As a representative voice, addressing concerns on global issues, WEA serves to connect and collaborate for greater impact... Read more


Pray also for the African women and children who are impacted in times of unrest. It is very important for us not get weary in praying for peaceful solutions. We are told to pray “for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity”. I appeal to all my beloved sisters in evangelical churches in Africa, not only to pray... Read more


Globalization and postmodern relativism have struck the very foundation of Christian living, which is truth. The desire for integration, political correctness and interconnectedness has exposed the basic building block of Christianity. The truth is no longer considered absolute, it no longer defines our relationships and the way we live as Christians, it is no longer the entity that one may spend their entire lifetime pursuing…Read more


In early 2013 the ACTEA Executive Committee engaged in a process of searching for a new full-time Executive Director and establishing a permanent ACTEA office. This process culminated in November 2013 with the appointment of Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich, who until his appointment served as Principal of Africa Theological Seminary in Kitale, Kenya... Read more



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