AEA Opens Registration for Upcoming General Assembly in Freetown, Sierra Leone, November 23-27, 2014

[Media Release] AEA Opens Registration For Upcoming General Assembly

AEA Opens Registration for Upcoming General Assembly in Freetown, Sierra Leone, November 23-27, 2014

Nairobi February 18, 2014

The Association of Evangelicals in Africa has opened the online registration process for the upcoming General Assembly in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The GA will take place from November 23-27, 2014, at Kimbima Hotel. Arrivals and registration will be on the 22nd of November 2014.

The AEA GA 2014, will bring together AEA National Alliances, Associate Members, Friends & Partners of AEA and a diverse community of Christian leaders from around the world.
The upcoming GA will create a platform to discuss matters of common concern for the Church in Africa. It will also provide opportunities to network; meet with partners and stakeholders from various organizations, learn and fellowship with the local Church in Freetown.


“This General Assembly theme intends to bring to the front stage of evangelical discourse the effects of dualism, globalization, and relativism of Christian life, public witness, and discipleship by showing how we should work as an Association to address this malaise with transformative impact in our lives as Christians and in our nations.” –AEA GA 2014 organizing committee
Topics to be discussed:
  • Business
  • Politics
  • Direction of the Church to empower both Business and Politics
  • Youth & Sports
  • Lordship of Christ in the family
  • Lordship of Christ in the media
Renowned Speakers from all over the continent will lead bible expositions, plenary sessions and work groups during the General Assembly.


The GA plenary sessions are open to all AEA members and the Church at large.
Registration fee is USD 60.
Quota for Business sessions at the Assembly:
a) Each Member National Alliance – 5 delegates
b) Each Associate Member – 2 delegates
c) Each Special Member – 2 delegates
d) Every 500 Individual Members -1 delegate

*All Delegates and participants to the GA are self sponsored and will cater for their own Registration Fee, Air Tickets and Accommodation.
Full board at Kimbima hotel is USD 160 per person / per night.
*AEA is negotiating with airline companies for missionary rates, to and from Freetown, on the GA dates.


Online Registration forms can also be found on AEA's website
*Registration fees can be wired to the AEA Bank Account or paid at the GA Registration desk on arrival.

Media Contacts

To learn more about the GA, please contact
Catherine Wachira & Jim Olang, GA Media Relations
Office: (+254) 202722769
Mobile: (+254) 712767300 // (+254) 721978407
[email protected] // [email protected] // [email protected]


About AEA:

The Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA) was formed on 26th February 1966 at Limuru, Kenya, during a meeting of 102 evangelical Christian leaders from 23 African nations and missionaries from other countries. The meeting had been convened as a result of the felt need by the evangelicals for a permanent association which would help build a united movement of the Body of Christ that would promote evangelical unity, fellowship and Christian witness in Africa.

In its 48 years of existence, AEA has grown into a continental family of over 100 million evangelicals comprising 36 National Evangelical Fellowships that are made up of numerous local churches. There are 34 Associate Members who consist of Para-Church organizations, and 11 Special Members representing local Churches in countries where there are no National Evangelical Alliances.


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