Call to Prayer for Ukraine from the European Evangelical Alliance


The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) warmly commends this heartfelt Call to Prayer about the fast-changing situation in Ukraine, received from the European Evangelical Alliance, and calls for an end to all violence. "As the crisis escalates, we call on Christians globally to pray for Ukrainian people, government, opposition, and international politicians," said Gordon Showell-Rogers, Associate Secretary General of the WEA. "Pray also for the churches in Ukraine: Christians are making wholehearted sacrifice, to meet immediate needs of fellow citizens."

European Evangelical Alliance Call to Prayer, 20th February 2014.

We have been following the crisis in Ukraine with growing horror. The situation is becoming increasingly desperate and deadly. In the midst of the anguish, Christians are shining Christ’s hope and comfort and practical aid. Churches are opening their doors so that Christian medical staff can care for the wounded.

A prayer tent in Independence Square still stands, despite all the risks. Protesters come for prayer and a moment of peace and hope. Christians cry out in intercession for their nation. Many are really crying, out of desperation and exhaustion.

We call on Christians across the world to stand with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in prayer and solidarity. We know there are no simple solutions. But we pray that all of Ukraine’s politicians will have moral courage to do the right thing.  May they do whatever is needed to bring immediate peace and then reconciliation and a political situation which leaves Ukraine with a better foundation for ongoing freedom and stability.

We pray for the international community to be wise in how they get involved and only do what will help Ukraine overcome its divisions. We pray for miracles in this terrible situation.

(Source BBC)

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