Evangelicals in Africa United & Engaged in Effective Ministry – Afroscope Newsletter March-April 2013


At the beginning of the year we decided to do the newsletter every two months rather than quarterly. Our desire is to pass on ‘news and information’ as soon as possible. We contend with two realities; one is personnel to dedicate to this and secondly, the alarming pace of our world today. Indeed, it is the information age, revolutionized by the internet and social media.

However, it makes us happy that we can connect with you on a regular basis; no doubt we may carry stories that are especially for you and you might not have heard them from other sources. We are truly overwhelmed with all that is happening in the various communities, churches and nations and it is important that we discern the ‘gloved hands’ of God as he works out his purposes. Our hope is to encourage you to be discerning and prayerfully dispositional and obedient to the Lord. The last two months brought much to our attention for prayer and trust you will be one with us in these.

A Call for Prayer for the Middle East

As we continue to join the global church in prayer for peace in the Middle East we want to appeal that we particularly pray for the safety and immediate release of two Archbishops Bishops kidnapped on the border between Syria and Turkey recently.Archbishop Mar Gregorius Yohanna Ibrahim of the Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese of Aleppo and Archbishop Boulos Yazaji of the Greek Orthodox of Aleppo, who were intercepted by armed men as they traveled from Turkish border areas where they were undertaking humanitarian work. It is understood that the bishop’s driver was shot and killed. Click here to view full media release from the Global Christian Forum.

Rev. Aiah Foday-Khabenje
General Secretary
Association of Evangelicals in Africa


Read the full Afroscope newsletter here.

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