Join Us in Praying for Turkey


The WEA’s national member body in Turkey, the Association of Protestant Churches of Turkey, has asked us to pass these prayer requests to the rest of the global Church. Please join us in praying for Turkey.

  • Please pray firstly for the church in Turkey. Pray that Christians would see this situation not as a source of fear and panic, but as a unique opportunity to unite in prayer. Such times bring us together. But the Turkish Church needs to be together in the mind of Christ with spiritual maturity and first in prayer and supplication.
  • Please pray that the Turkish Church would realize that our greatest purpose is to glorify Christ by being salt and light, by representing His love and His mercy, by spreading His truth and His life. Pray that we would be unifying and not divisive, calming and not reactive, reassuring and not terrified. It is easy at such times for believers to be carried away with the spirit of the age. Pray that we would be protected from this and would stand as ambassadors of peace for Christ in our nation.
  • Pray for the government and especially our Prime Minister to be moderate, mild and embracing towards all citizens in both tone and attitude. A harsh and unyielding tone of address is not helping the situation in our country at the moment. Actually, this is one major reason why things have turned downhill. Please pray for humility, honesty and justice in the part of the government.
  • Pray that our people would be genuinely open to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Times of instability can be very frightening to some people and might lead to even greater panic and violence. However, our God can turn such times and use them for His might plan of salvation in ways unforeseen. He is in control and He always works for good.

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