Please Join the Special Day of United Prayer for Syria on May 11th


The WEA continues to encourage focused and concerted prayer for Syria and all the people of Syria. The WEA has learnt that the churches in Syria have decided to hold a special day of united prayer on Saturday, May 11th, 2013: please consider joining our brothers and sisters in Christ as they pray. Millions of people are affected by this conflict; estimates are that 4.25m people are internally displaced in Syria, and 1.3m in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq: Many of them are cared for by Christians.

The WEA has received the following suggestions for intercessory prayer and commends them to Christians around the world.

Please pray for the nation of Syria that:

  • extremists will lose influence in Syria
  • God will protect the people from mass attacks
  • there will be no more kidnapping of Children and no more arming of children
  • there will be no more selling of Syrian human organs through neighboring countries
  • there will be justice for all the peoples of Syria, also in light of various foreign influences
  • God will save the nation of Syria with all its different sects and groups

Please pray for the Christians in Syria that:

  • there will be no more kidnapping of Christian leaders
  • Christians will not leave Syria and many of those who have left will return to Syria and be a blessing to the nation
  • God will defeat the devil’s plans to wipe out the Christian presence in the area
  • God will strengthen the faith of Christians in Syria and that people will see the love of God revealed through them
  • the Church will take advantage of this situation to represent Christ, who is the only hope for the nation of Syria

Please pray for the refugees and internally displaced people and those ministering to them:

  • for churches, organizations and individuals seeking to meet the physical needs of those suffering – for protection, guidance and strength. That those receiving aid would be touched by the love of Jesus
  • for strength and resources for local churches who are ministering to the displaced in Syria, Lebanon, and other neighboring countries
  • that God would touch the hearts of the constituencies of Christian relief and development organizations who have, or are planning to, launch appeals in their countries, for generous giving to their work
  • that more funds from government and institutions are made available to alleviate the suffering of those affected by this on-going crisis

Please also pray the following (sent to us from Syria):

  • that the nation will repent and turn to God
  • that God will bring forgiveness among the people
  • that God will use this situation to help people to come to know Him

Related Article:
> Integral Alliance, a WEA Global Partner, Launches Disaster Response in Syria

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