Welcoming Teleo University as a WEA Affiliate Member


So a warm welcome to Teleo University for becoming part of the global WEA family through official membership. Below are a few brief interview questions to get to know more about the new WEA member.

  1. Welcome to the WEA family! We would love to give our members the opportunity to get to know you a bit. Could you share briefly about Teleo University – what is its vision and what is it that makes it unique?

Teleo University is a global distance education institution committed to providing affordable, accessible, accredited education to pastors and ministry leaders seeking to finish the Great Commission by multiplying disciple-makers and initiating saturation church planting. Teleo University partners with our parent organization, T-Net International, to offer distance education to the thousands of pastors and church leaders participating in training centers in 40 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.  

Teleo University is not in competition with Bible Colleges that prepare students to enter the ministry. Teleo only seeks students who are currently pastors, church planters, or key lay leaders. These Christian leaders do not need to leave their ministries and families to attend classes. Teleo University offers no resident campus learning. Instead, students gather near their homes in study groups we call training centers and remain in a local church ministry to implement what they learn.

  1. The WEA is a global network of evangelicals who seek to express the unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17. What motivated you to join the WEA? What role does unity play at Teleo University?

Teleo University and T-Net International share the vision to train and equip pastors and church leaders to finish the Great Commission in their congregations, regions, and in every country of the world. Over the past 30 years, we have enjoyed sweet fellowship with like-minded pastors from diverse evangelical denominations, networks, and traditions. A passion for following Christ and making Him known overshadows any denominational or doctrinal distinctions that too often separate believers. We unite around a common goal to finishing the Great Commission, a commitment to the authority of Scripture, and a shared value for the essential evangelical doctrines of the Church. 

  1. We believe that unity, relationships and collaboration always start with prayer. So how can we pray for you?
  • Pray for wisdom as we navigate how to navigate needed adjustments to face the only COVID-19 challenges.
  • Pray for identifying curriculum translators, funding for translations, and wisdom in contextualizing the curriculum.
  • Pray for Teleo University program accreditation process with Asia Theological Association during 2021-2022.
  • Pray for wisdom on which countries in which to launch training next and when to do so.  

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