We would like to invite your participation and help in promoting a special Season of Global Witness & Disciple-Making during the upcoming month of May, where we will open the Bible, pray, share the gospel with others and plant churches!
Momentum is building as we partner with global organizations to provide resources for local churches and believers, to encourage outreach, strengthen our witness and to help us share the gospel with our neighbors. Partner organizations to date include the GO Movement and the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX), with many more organizations in conversation to join the network in the months ahead.
We are excited about this moving of the Holy Spirit who is leading us to come together around this common desire to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and extend His Church. The World Evangelical Alliance was formed 175 years ago for the purpose of uniting evangelicals, and from the beginning the Bible, prayer and evangelism have been core to its reason for being.
Jesus prayed in John 17:20-23 “that all of them may be one, […] so that the world may believe (and know) that you sent me.” We are passionate about bringing together evangelicals across denominational and geographic boundaries because our witness to the world flows out of our unity in Christ. A focused Season of Global Witness and Disciple-Making is an ideal opportunity for evangelical churches to act in one accord each year.
Acts 2 records how the first believers were united in the Word of God, in prayer and in witnessing, and as the gospel spread out further, new churches were planted everywhere they went. We want to unite around the Bible, prayer, disciple-making and church planting and encourage every network, church, and leader to participate and make a difference in their area of influence.
“For many years, the WEA has endorsed several of the ministries involved, especially the GO Day. Many National Evangelical Alliances (NEAs) have been involved in the GO Day, the Day of the Bible or other annual “days”. Our Global Evangelism Network (GEN) has diligently engaged with all these partners and ministries, and as a result, we would like to now bring all the different days and ministries into one meaningful whole that makes it easy for NEAs and churches to participate and benefit from the momentum. The Season of Global Witness & Disciple-Making covers the whole month of May starting with prayer, then continuing with the Day of the Bible, a specific Sunday of prayer and sending, then evangelism and finally to the natural fruit of evangelism and disciple-making, which is planting new churches.”
– Bp Dr Thomas Schirrmacher, Secretary General of the WEA
Please mark the following dates in your calendar:
May 1 (Sunday) – GO Pray
May 9 (Monday) – Day of the Bible
May 22 (Sunday) – Global Day of Prayer & Witnessing
May 26 (Thursday) – Ascension
May 28 (Saturday) – Global Outreach Day
May 29 (Sunday) – Global Celebration & Church Planting Day
The GO Movement has prepared a flyer with the dates here [link]. We will provide more information and resources (also in other languages than English) in the coming weeks, so we can all prepare to join together – because we know that the strongest witness is when the body of Christ is united!
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