By Richard Procter, World Without Orphans Europe

It seems to be so normal to be able to open the tap and get a glass of water whenever we want it. Fleeing Ukraine, nothing is normal anymore. The following story happened at the Ukrainian border, where a World Without Orphans Romania is working together with various Romanian churches and organizations.
The weather was bad, it was raining and foggy and therefore the cold was even more biting. When the team arrived at the border crossing, they were overwhelmed by what they encountered. Many people, mainly women, children and a few old people were standing packed together, freezing, holding their luggage and waiting to cross the border. They were scared and many children had tears in their faces. To see all this also shook the team that was helping, bringing tears to their eyes.
The team got canisters full of water and started to pass out the water to the waiting people. At the moment it was all they were able to do. Alex, one of the volunteers heard a little girl call after him: Mister, could you please give me a glass of water? The voice of the little girl reminded Alex of his own little daughter who was safe at home. He gave the water to the little five-year-old girl and she gave him in exchange two Hryvnias (5 cent) and insisted he take it, even though she was told the water was for free. The mother asked the volunteer to keep the money to give a little joy to her daughter. Alex promised he would keep the Hryvnias in his wallet till peace was brought to Ukraine again.
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