WEA Global Ambassador Reflection Piece on Traveling into Ukraine


WEA Global Ambassador, Brian Stiller, is visiting church leaders in Ukraine. Below is a reflection piece that he wrote while waiting at the train station to go to Lviv.

I flew to Warsaw and arrived about two in the afternoon. Was picked up and driven some 4 hours to the Ukraine border to catch the train for a 2 1/2 hour ride to Lviv. The train was late and congested and we waited 3 hours in line with some 300, mostly women and children, for the train to take us to Lviv. I had no one to look after, and it dawned on me how uncomplicated and simple my life is. 

But in the process, while standing in line as I was approaching the check-in, a mother with three children, carrying one of them in a front harness, was struggling with her luggage. I said “let me take it,” and I took on three huge suitcases, one weighing at least 90 pounds. I muscled them down the track up onto the train and into the luggage rack. I realized how light and simple my life is. 

As I watched these women courageous and determined going back into the country they had fled a few months ago, with children anxious, crying, wet, in need of food, wondering if their house was still standing, I knew how predictable and simple my life is.  

As I wrestled the luggage, possibly all the mother and children at this time owned, I realized how bountiful and simple my life is.

Hours later we got into Lviv and by 6 AM arrived at a nice clean hotel. And I realized how comfortable and simple my life is.

By Brian Stiller, Global Ambassador

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