WEA Global Ambassador Rev. Dr. Brian Stiller Interviews Newly Elected President of AEL


In the following interview, WEA Global Ambassador Dr. Brian Stiller asked Rev. Juan Cruz, the newly elected President of the Latin Evangelical Alliance (Alianza Evangélica Latina) what his vision and hope for the regional alliance would be.

Cruz emphasized that the alliance’s major task is evangelism.
“Every day, we need more people to know Christ. But we need to work especially on discipleship. There are many people who hear the Gospel, but are not discipled, and they fall back,” Cruz said, adding, “I believe, as an Alliance, we may encourage the discipleship of the nations. I am hoping for major evangelism, major discipleship and that we may have missionaries all over the continent.”

Stiller congratulated Cruz on the new role, saying, “on behalf of the World Evangelical Alliance, we welcome you to your new leadership role, as you take over this responsibility of leading Latin America, one of our nine regions, one of the largest regions. We welcome you to the leadership circle and we look forward to our fellowship with you as you lead this mighty area and as you serve in helping the rest of us in the world bring the witness of Christ to a hungry and needy world.”

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