Global Prayer Resource Network: Pray for Syria



Pray for Syria today

Mission News Network reports: Daily attacks. Piles of bodies. Scurrying refugees. There's still no end in sight for the human tragedy taking place in Syria. In fact, things may just be getting started. Analysts have long been suggesting Syria's regime-versus-rebels battle is a civil war. The Red Cross now has actually officially declared the conflict a civil war. But it could be turning into something much greater.
Tom Doyle with E3 Partners returned from Jordan earlier this week. While there, he was mainly meeting with some of the 130,000 Syrian refugees who have fled to Jordan for solace. Speaking with Syrians who had just recently escaped with their lives only solidified the severity of the conflict for Doyle

Read the full article HERE

Watch this powerful video on the current unrest in Syria: CLICK HERE

Syrian Refugees
There are a number of teams and churches working among Syrian refugees in a number of places. One of the team had the opportunity to have a party recently for about 120 refugee kids. They have been visiting each week various families who have come out of Syria and the stories are pretty heart wrenching.
Read this excellent article on the plight of refugees from Syria :


  • Pray for peace in Syria
  • Pray for various teams working alongside churches in the area who have a heart for refugees
  • Pray for protection of aid- and mission workers and for God's love to flow in a mighty way
  • That they will encounter people who are sought by God.
  • Pray for protection against extremism, accidents and disunity in the teams.
  • For courage and joy in the task of telling people about the way to God.
  • That they will see people set free from sin and healed of diseases, all for the glory of God!
  • The truth about Jesus will get spread around them – that He died and rose for our sins and that we are saved by his blood, nothing else.

Source: Cry Out


Syria is number 36 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2012 of the world's worst persecutors of Christians.


20 July – 18 August 2012

In partnership with 30-Days Prayer Network we would like to invite you to join in prayer so that we, the Body of Christ, would get God’s heart for the Muslim world.


Pray4Saudi is a global prayer movement dedicated to seeing Saudi Arabia transformed by the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. We believe the Lord is preparing to remove the long-standing strongholds that have kept Saudis from experiencing the love of God and His gift of salvation. We are also convinced that strategic prayer is the key to preparing for, initiating, and sustaining this move of God.

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