Greece in Crisis – A Prayer Request from the Greek Evangelical Alliance


Many churches around the world are praying for the people of Greece during these challenging days. At the WEA, we have received a call to prayer from the Greek Evangelical Alliance, our national member body, and we warmly commend these prayer requests to you and your church:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

People in Greece are apprehensive and worrying as the overall situation is extremely difficult, creating tension and confusion even among believers.

Our small evangelical community does not take sides in political matters, as this could bring about divisions in the body of Christ. The overwhelming majority agrees that the future of Greece is in the Eurozone.

We all agree that Greece's participation in the European Institutions has so far been a real help and an agent for the promotion of religious liberties in our country. 

We all realize that this is a very critical period for Greece. For this reason we have called for a national day of prayer and fasting on the 3rd of July, 2015 and we would like to extent this call to our European and worldwide evangelical community with the following prayer requests:

  • Pray for those suffering from poverty and unemployment along with the pressures of the crisis which affect all.
  • Pray as the evangelical churches try to be agents of hope offering acts of mercy to people in need.
  • Pray for unity among believers in Greece… we do not want the political referendum to create conflicts among Greek people and especially among churches and believers.
  • Pray for God's mercy upon the nation of Greece and for wisdom among the people and government officials.
  • We praise the Lord for His sovereignty and look forward to His provision for our people and our country.

In gratitude on behalf of the executive committee of the Greek Evangelical Alliance,

George Kaloterakis, President                       Rev. Fotis Romeos, General Secretary

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