WEA Religious Liberty Prayer News: Laos, Sudan, India

WEA Religious Liberty Prayer News3 July 2014
RLPN: 2014/06
“For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us
Romans 8:18
Dear Friends in Christ,
The World Evangelical Alliance is a global ministry working with local churches around the world to join in common concern to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus in their communities. God is glorified and the nations of the earth are forever transformed.
The purpose of the WEA Religious Liberty Prayer Release is to keep you informed and mobilized in prayer and intercession for the needs of justice and religious liberty in the Church around the globe, so that we can stand together for the work of the Kingdom and the healing of the Nations. The Prayer Release is comprised on the basis of different credible resources. 
5 Christians arrested; falsely accused of murder in LAOS
2 July, 5 Christians in Laos have been charged with murder after a sick woman who sought prayer from a local church, converted to Christianity and later died of an unknown illness.
According to reports, the lady was sick with an unknown illness for 2 years and had approached the local church for prayer. After her health improved for a short while, she and her 8 grown-up children became Christians.
Since Christians were denied burial rights in the local cemetery, the children gained permission from the village chief for a Christian burial ceremony to be performed for their mother in their own property. However, later the permission was retracted and the children were informed that a burial ceremony could only take place if they signed an affidavit recanting their Christian faith. The children refused to do this.
On June 23, a local church leader made an appeal to the district chief regarding the incident. The day following the appeal, the complainant, 3 other church leaders and a lay person were arrested and charged with the murder of the Christian woman.
Prayer points:
  • Pray that those arrested would be cleared of all charges and released immediately;
  • Pray for God’s protection over the Christians who have been arrested;
  • Pray that the Christians would not fear, but trust God during this time of trial.
Source: Barnabas Fund
Christians denied food; assaulted in INDIA
16 June, It is reported that Hindu extremists in Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh, have assaulted a group of about 100 Christians seeking rations from the district Food Inspector’s Office.
According to reports, the Christians were denied rations for over 2 months because of their faith.
In a media report, an area church leader said, “The mob beat up the Christians with sticks, kicked and punched them and hurled stones at those who were trying to escape from the scene.”
10 Christians including 2 women were hospitalized following the attack.
The day after the attack, village leaders declared that everyone in the village should embrace Hinduism or their lands would be seized.
Prayer points:
  • Pray that authorities would release food provisions for the Christians;
  • Pray for God’s healing mercy upon all those injured in the incident;
  • Pray that Christians would continue to stand firm in their faith in spite of the persecution;
  • Pray that those harassing Christians in Chhattisgarh would experience a change in heart, repent and turn away from violence.
Source: EFI persecution news
Remains of the Sudanese Church of Christ
(Photo courtesy: Morning Star News)
Authorities demolish church building in SUDAN 
30 June, According to reports, authorities in North Khartoum have demolished a church building just a day following a verbal notice given to the congregation during worship service.
The Sudanese Church of Christ in the Thiba Al Hamyida area of the city was demolished on 30 June with the presence of about 70 security personnel armed with guns and tear gas. In a media report, a church member said that security personnel threatened to arrest anyone who tried to block their efforts.
The 430-member, Sudanese Church of Christ was established in 1983. Although the church possesses documentation to prove it owns the land, authorities insist the land was designated for a hospital.
Prayer points:
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance upon the leadership of the church during this difficult time;
  • Pray for church members, that they would trust God and continue to stand firm in their faith;
  • Pray that authorities would not discriminate against the country’s Christians;
  • Pray for God’s protection upon all Sudanese Christians.
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