Director of International Institute for Religious Freedom Acknowledged for Research on Martyrdom and Mission


The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) congratulates Dr. Christof Sauer on the completion of his professorial thesis on ‘Martyrdom and Mission’ and the beginning of his teaching career at the Missiology Department of the Protestant University in Wuppertal, a leading place of missiological teaching in Germany.

Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, Secretary General of the WEA, said: “This is a very significant appointment at a prestigious institution. It is a recognition of Dr. Sauer's academic credentials in the field of mission theology. We are very grateful for his witness in the marketplace of ideas and theological education.” He congratulated Sauer at the International Leadership Forum of the WEA in Manila, where both attended.

The awarding of the post-doctoral habilitation degree is combined with the right and duty to teach one course per semester at the Protestant University in Wuppertal. It also provides the right to supervise PhD candidates in missiology.

Dr. Sauer is Co-Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) of the WEA, that focuses on presenting researched and reliable information to governments, universities, media and churches.

Dr. Sauer, who hails from Germany, is based in South Africa and also directs the Cape Town Bureau of the IIRF. He is also the leading editor of the International Journal for Religious Freedom, a peer-reviewed scholarly journal accredited with the Academy of Sciences of South Africa and the Department of Higher Education and Training of the South African Government.

He will continue teaching as Associate Professor Extraordinary in Missiology at the Theological Faculty of Stellenbosch University, South Africa, which he has done since 2011. He equally continues to supervise doctoral theses in Missiology for the University of South Africa, a leading global distance education provider, which he has done for the past 10 years.

Dr. Sauer also offers courses and lectures on religious freedom and theology of martyrdom at various universities and seminaries around the globe.

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