How to Pray for Ukraine Today? – A Request from a Ukrainian Evangelical Church Leader


The World Evangelical Alliance has just received this further call to specific prayer from an evangelical church leader in Kyiv, Ukraine, and warmly encourages churches globally to stand with the people of Ukraine, by praying urgently for them at this very critical time.

How to pray for Ukraine today?

Winter 2014 for Ukraine became the most tragic in its history for national development. For more than three months there is a very aggressive confrontation between people and government special police forces. Demonstration lost its peaceful character after people were killed and 19th of February became a horrible day, marked by close to 900 hundred injured people with 77 who were killed because of gunshot wounds. Prayer is much needed for families of those who lost their loved ones. May the Lord protect their hearts, mind and soul from hatred and aggressive decisions.

There are very large regional differences in pro-European and pro-Russian support. A new generation has grown up in independent Ukraine, which has been exposed to life in Europe and other democratic countries and has come to see the extent of the cronyism that characterizes life in Ukraine and other countries in Eurasia. Unfortunately, many nations fought a civil war over differences of opinion on economic and moral issues that threatened to tear their country asunder. Much prayer is needed to protect Ukraine as a nation from division and war – for a better future of the country, free from domination of corruption and oligarch dictatorship.

God has blessed Ukraine with a heritage of strong Christian influence on all areas of people’s lives. The last 22 years of freedom from atheistic Soviet regime gave birth to a strong church planting movement, missionary movement, nations without orphans movement and reaching the elderly. A younger generation of leaders, covered by the support of their spiritual fathers, became very active in godly transformation of Ukraine. We cannot allow division between pastors and other leaders based on their active or passive participation in political reforms. Spirit of humility and patience is much needed. Please pray for the unity of His Body in the nation as well as in Eurasian region.

Prayer is a privilege and responsibility of the whole Church. Ukraine needed to be covered by the intersession of fasting and prayer. Based on The Scripture, our Savior will teach us how to pray (Luke 11:1).

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