Brazilian Evangelical Christian Alliance Laments and Repudiates the Attacks against Three Powers


All of us who are part of the Brazilian Evangelical Christian Alliance defend the right to expression within constitutional limits. For that reason, we strongly repudiate the violent, unjustifiable, anti-democratic acts that occurred yesterday in our federal capital, including the destruction of symbols of our democracy, for which we care so much. We reaffirm our commitment with our Democratic State and its institutions.

The Christian faith has the simultaneous marks of truth, justice, and peace. Based on these principles, we affirm the importance of investigating who was responsible for such tragic acts with the purpose that justice can be served, and peace can be established.

Seeking for both peace and justice, we call on all churches to join us in prayer for our country, for our governors and for the pursuit of a witness of life that follows that same direction.

– Brazilian Evangelical Christian Alliance

Read the original statement in Portuguese:

The Brazilian Evangelical Christian Alliance is the World Evangelical Alliance’s national member body in Brazil and is one of 143 national Evangelical Alliances in 9 regions.

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