Nigeria: The Central Government Fiddles While the North Burns

For decades after independence Nigeria was ruled by a succession of
military dictators who were predominantly northern Muslims. In 1998
the death of dictator General Sani Abacha paved the way for
democracy to be restored, and in February 1999 Olusegun Obasanjo was
democratically elected President of Nigeria after winning 63 percent
of the vote.

However, the election of the southern Christian inflamed many
northern Muslim elites and former power-brokers. To regain their
status, power and influence, northern governors exploited the
poverty, hardship and ignorance of their constituents and
re-invented themselves as religious reformers raising Islam and
Sharia (Islamic Law) as banners of hope. (Note: these same
“religious reformers” had not been concerned about Islam or Sharia
while Nigeria was ruled by northern Muslims.) All across
predominantly Muslim northern Nigeria, the flames of Islamic zeal
were fanned. In the northern states of Kano and Kwara, moves were
made to relocate and raze churches, while Zamfara, led by governor
Alhaji Ahmad Sani, declared itself to be an Islamic state. In
January 2000, Zamfara became the first Nigerian state to officially
implement Sharia Law.

President Obasanjo and Nigeria’s attorney general declared the
implementation of Sharia Law “unconstitutional and illegal”. But
that did not prevent other norther states following in Zamfara’s
footsteps. The central (religious fault-line) belt of Nigeria tore
apart as riots and conflicts erupted over Sharia and claimed
thousands of lives. By August 2000, eight northern states had defied
Nigeria’s secular Constitution and implemented Sharia Law.

Today, in what is essentially a defiant act of secession, Nigeria’s
12 northern states are all under Sharia. What’s worse, the Sharia
states are able to exploit and abuse their citizens and deny them
their constitutional rights, without consequence, as the central
government timidly acquiesces, surrendering religious liberty and
Christian security in exchange for peace with northern Muslim elites.

Nigeria’s central government needs to move decisively to protect the
lives and restore the constitutional rights of Christians in the
north, and bring the northern Muslim masses on side so that justice,
equity and national unity can be restored with minimal bloodshed.

The following posting is a Compass Direct Flash News written by
Obed Minchakpu in Nigeria. It is an excellent article and I am
forwarding it in full. Minchakpu details some of the severe
persecution faced by Christians in the northern state of Zamfara,
including the systematic discrimination against them, the systematic
demolition of their churches, and the suffering they caused by the
imposition of Sharia Law which is enforced by the state’s Hisbah
Commission. This includes a moving testimony from one Christian
convert from Islam.

Elizabeth Kendal
[email protected]

Global News from the Frontlines

GUSAU, Nigeria, January 31 (Compass) – On October 10, 2003, the
local Bakura town government gave notice to the pastor of St.
Peter’s Anglican Church in Zamfara state that his church would be
demolished the following day. That marked the beginning of an
assault by Islamic fundamentalists in Zamfara under the leadership
of Gov. Alhaji Ahmed Sani through imposition of sharia (Islamic
law). At present 14 churches have been marked for demolition in
Gusau town alone. “We have been served with demolition notices and
even then, there have been announcements over the radio and
television on the churches to be demolished,” said Rev. James Obi,
secretary of the Zamfara chapter of the Christian Association of
Nigeria. “It is just a matter of time, and these churches will be no

Nigerian Churches Marked for Demolition in Zamfara State
Draconian decrees – including killing “infidels” – come with sharia.
by Obed Minchakpu

GUSAU, Nigeria, January 31 (Compass) – “For your information, the
state Governor, Alhaji Ahmed Sani, has ordered that your church
should be demolished before his arrival in this town tomorrow. So,
we shall carry out this directive tomorrow morning.”

On October 10, 2003, the Rev. Seth Saleh, then pastor of St. Peter’s
Anglican Church in Bakura town in Zamfara state, received a Bakura
town councilor as an unexpected guest in his house with the above
message. The following day, the local government demolished St.
Peter’s Anglican Church.

The demolition of that church in Bakura marked the beginning of an
assault by Islamic fundamentalists in Zamfara under the leadership
of Gov. Sani through imposition of sharia (Islamic law). In Gusau
town alone, 14 churches have been marked out for demolition.

Those 14 churches have already received demolition notices,
according to Rev. James Obi, pastor of Channel of Blessings Church
and secretary of the Zamfara state chapter of the Christian
Association of Nigeria. They include Eternal Life Bible Church,
Christian Faith Bible Church, Chapel of Grace, Christian Evangelical
Fellowship of Nigeria, National Evangelical Mission, Assemblies of
God Church, Channel of Blessings and Living Faith Church.

Other Zamfara state churches earmarked for demolition are the
Redeemed Christian Church of God, Christ Embassy, Church of Christ
in Nigeria, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Church, Colgate Church and
Deeper Life Bible Church.

The government demolished Rev. Obi’s Channel of Blessings church in
1997, and it has marked his rebuilt church for destruction as well.

“We have been served with demolition notices and even then, there
have been announcements over the radio and television on the
churches to be demolished,” Rev. Obi lamented. “It is just a matter
of time, and these churches will be no more.”

Champion of Jihad

John Garba Danbinta, Anglican bishop of Gusau, said the demolition
of St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Bakura came on Gov. Sani’s orders.

“The governor is from Bakura, and because he is the champion of
Islamic jihad in Nigeria, he felt it will be unwise for a church to
be seen in his hometown,” Bishop Dabinta said.

The bishop pointed out these arbitrary demolitions to refute those
in Nigeria who declare Christians face no opposition from the state.

“The news outside Zamfara state is that everything is okay with
Christians here,” he said. “Some claim that the governor is good and
treating Christians well, that Christians do not have problems – but
this is false. The problem of persecution of Christians here is a
reality. It is a major problem facing us today in Zamfara state.”

St. Peter’s Rev. Saleh, now pastor at St. John’s Anglican Church in
Kaura Namoda, recalled how officials often had promised that sharia
would only be applied to Muslims. Sharia had long been in effect in
civil matters, as in all of Nigeria, but its imposition in criminal
matters in 12 northern states has thrown the country into a
constitutional crisis.

“When sharia was introduced by the government of Zamfara state, we
were told that it is meant to guide Muslims in their faith and that
it has nothing to do with us Christians,” Rev. Saleh said.
“Surprisingly, sharia is now a weapon being used agains
t the church
in Zamfara state.”

Killing Infidels

Sharia as a weapon has been particularly sharp on Kabiru Lawal, a
former Muslim who four months ago received Christ. The Hisbah
Commission, Zamfara state’s agency for the enforcement of the
sharia, is gunning for his life.

In late December and early January, agents of Hisbah invaded the
Lawal family’s house three times looking for the 29-year-old man.
Agents told family members that whenever Lawal is found, he should
be prepared to pay the supreme price of abandoning Islam – death.

Each time the Hisbah arrived, Lawal was at the Federal Medical
Centre in Gusau town due to illness.

He is now in hiding, no longer free to walk the streets of Gusau.
His father, Mallam Lawal, comes from a family of Islamic clerics.

In 2002, Lawal read in the Quran about the second coming of Jesus
into the world. Lawal, who holds a diploma in business
administration from Kaduna Polytechnic in northern Nigeria, said his
decision to investigate the life of Christ was informed by his
desire to know whether “Jesus was coming as a Muslim or a Christian.”

Tunde Adebayo, a relative, gave Lawal a pocket size New Testament in
2003, which he hungrily read.

Lawal said the Holy Spirit revealed to him that Jesus is coming back
not as a Muslim, as Muslims believe, but to take those Christians
who believe in Him. He began to attend church services. Last
September 3, he went to the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA)
church in Gusau town and asked to receive Christ into his life.

“The Bible clearly presented who Jesus Christ is and provided
answers as to why he will be coming back into the world,” Lawal
said. “The Spirit told me that unless I receive Christ into my
heart, I will perish with other Muslims because they do not know the
true God.”

His family stiffly opposes his conversion, but Lawal said there is
no returning to Islam.

“Nothing on earth will make me turn away from Christ,” he said, “not
even if I will be slaughtered like a ram.”

Draconian Decrees

Since the introduction of the sharia in January 2000, Zamfara
authorities have banned Christians from sharing their faith or
building churches, said Anglican Bishop Danbinta.

Officials are keeping Christians from building churches, he said, by
making it impossible for them to acquire land. “We cannot get land,
because there is a deliberate government policy to deny Christians
land to build churches,” Bishop Danbinta said.

There are about 4,000 Anglicans in Zamfara, yet Bishop Danbinta said
that in almost all parts of the state the government has refused to
allow the church land to build places of worship.

“Sharia, it would seem, is being implemented to curtail
Christianity, since it is only targeted at Christians,” he said.

70 Mosques, 0 Churches

The Rev. Barnabas Sabo, pastor of the ECWA church in Gusau town,
concurred that local governments are using sharia to deny churches land.

Towns denied lands for building churches include Mada, from which
Rev. Sabo’s church members have to trek more than 20 kilometers
(12.4 miles) to Talata Mafara to attend worship services.

Other towns and villages where the ECWA church has been denied land
are Kasuwa Daji, Dansadau, Tsibiri in Talata Mafara, and in the
Bakura area.

“Gov. Sani, in six years of introducing sharia in the state, has
used public funds to build well over 70 mosques,” Rev. Sabo said.
“Yet no single church has been built by this same government. How
fair is this?”

Apart from denial of lands to churches in Zamfara state, Christians
have encountered difficulties in other sectors, such as education,
where discriminatory school fees have been forced on Christian
students and pupils, and there is no teaching of what is known in
Nigerian schools as Christian Religious Knowledge.

There is no employment for Christians in the public service, and a
ban has been placed on Christian radio and television programs.

The imposition of sharia in criminal matters in 12 northern states
has resulted in numerous conflicts bringing death to thousands of
persons, most of them Christians.

“If there is anything anybody can do to hurt me, it is for such a
person to stop me from serving God the way I want and to stop me
from sharing my faith,” Bishop Danbinta said. “This is precisely
what we as Christians are experiencing in Zamfara state.”


*** Photos of Kabiru Lawal, Bishop John Garba Danbinta, the Rev.
Seth Saleh and the Rev. Barnabas Sabo are available electronically.
Contact Compass Direct for pricing and transmittal.

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