Pray for the unreached people – Bhotia, Buddhist Tibetan of India



Bhotia, Buddhist Tibetan of India

Bhotia, Buddhist Tibetan of India
Bhotia is a generic term used for several of the groups of people living in the foothills of the Himalayas. According to the 1981 census they have a literacy rate of 42%. The Bhotia intermarry with the Nepali, Garhwali and Kumaoni communities. They employ Nepali, Khas Rajput and Anwal as agricultural laborers and retain the services of Nepali, Kumaoni and Garh-wali Brahman priests.

Ministry Obstacles
Access to these people by outsiders is somewhat difficult, and they are deeply committed to their worldview.

Outreach Ideas
The Bhotia have a relatively high literacy rate, implying access to printed Scriptures and other materials may be especially helpful.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the Christian believers that will someday emerge from this Buddhist people group, that even today the Lord is preparing pastors and teachers to help them become established in the faith.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray for the Bhotia: for good schools for their children, adequate health care, and employment opportunities.

Scripture Focus
"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." Psalm 96:3


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Bhotia, Buddhist Tibetan of India
Presented by Joshua Project


Joshua Project is a research initiative of the U.S. Center for World Mission (USCWM) seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups of the world with the least followers of Christ. It gathers, integrates and shares people group information to encourage pioneer church-planting movements among every ethnic group and to facilitate effective coordination of mission agency efforts.

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