Global Day of Prayer: May 27, 2012


When man works, man works; When man prays, God works.

"The ministry of the children of God is not doing but praying; not strategizing, but prostrate before God seeking His will; not clever strategies for manipulating people and events, but trusting in God who moves in the hearts of even His most implacable enemies.

Through prayer Nebuchadnezzar, and today’s dictators get converted,

Manassah’s and today’s persecutors repent and kingdoms of Babylon and Iron Curtains are torn down.

We do not engage in ministry and pray for God’s blessing on it, prayer IS the ministry from which all other ministries must flow."

—Patrick Johnstone, Operation World

At a recent Retreat in Kenya for the Movement for African Initiatives leadership team; strategizing and planning on how to reach the unreached in Africa and fulfilling the Great Commission, it became clear once again that we cannot do any of God’s work on earth without the prayers of the Saints – the Watchmen on the Walls.

Therefore as we plan and prepare for the Global Day of Prayer on 27 May this year, we must never think it a trivial, time consuming matter but rather something so significant in the Spiritual realm that it is impossible to ignore. We need this “event” to call all Christians to unified prayer for our communities, our cities, our nations and our world.

Preceding the Global Day of Prayer, we will be joining the World Prayer Assembly in Jakarta, Indonesia (14 – 18 May 2012) where hundreds of prayer, missions and marketplace leaders will be gathering to seek the Lord together. (Please see the next e-mail for all the information you may need).

On the 17th of May we will be joining WPA and thousands of Indonesians (young and old) in the National Stadium as well as all across the nation via satellite and TV broadcast for one of the largest prayer gatherings in this nation’s history. For GDOP this is very significant as this day is also the start of the 10 Days of Prayer worldwide.

The only thing we REQUEST you to do, is to use the Prayer for the World during your observance on the Global Day of Prayer,

27 May. This is your opportunity to unite in prayer with Christians from across the Globe, in repentance and hope for a world that is lost and dying.

A Prayer Guide will challenge you to continue your prayer efforts during the 90 Days of Blessing, but we also want to challenge you to become physically involved in the places that we normally pray for.

For this reason we have partnered with Global Outreach Day on 2 June 2012 and so bring together the two fundamental cornerstones of Christianity: Prayer and Evangelism!

The vision of the Global Outreach Day is to mobilize you and/or your church to take the Gospel to the lost. Join thousands of others on this one day and reach out to those who have not heard the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. All you need to do is visit one friend, neighbor or colleague and share the gospel with him or her.

Our friends who are mobilizing the G.O.D. have asked us to pray for:

  • Winning further congregations and ministries to become partners in the G.O.D.
  • Everybody participating being bold in approaching people and sharing the Gospel
  • Financial, technical and labour recourses
  • Safety and protection of Christians evangelizing in dangerous nations, especially Arab nations and Asia
  • Spirit of unity between all participating individual believers, congregations and ministries

Additional information on the G.O.D. can be found at

If you are interested in organizing a gathering or an event for Global Day of Prayer, I would encourage you to visit our website Here you will find all the resources to help you mobilize your event – whether large or small, secret or public – from prayer guides to videos and presentations.

There are currently 23 translations of the Prayer for the World and the Prayer Guide available for download. If you are not able to download the files from the website, please contact us on [email protected] for an e-mail version or for any other assistance you may need.

May the Lord bless you and keep you during this time as we plan and prepare together.

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