A Special Easter Prayer Request for Mozambique, DRC and Cameroon


TEASA (The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa) Regional Prayer Alert – 1 April 2021
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As we step into this joyous Easter season, let us remember those less fortunate. TEASA held a solidarity Virtual prayer meeting with Christian leaders from Mozambique, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on the 31st April 2021, following news reports of armed conflicts in the northern Mozambique and the DRC. We also heard of the suffering of the people of Cameroon.
The leaders from Mozambique and the DRC were heartened by TEASA’s gesture of solidary and told how the support they received from TEASA, SACC and others during the recent devastating hurricane in Mozambique was deeply appreciated. They pleaded for prayer and practical assistance in their hour of need. Kindly contact TEASA General Secretary’s office for any assistance you may wish to provide. [email protected]
Please Pray for

  • Mozambique – The people of Cabo Delgado who continue to face armed attacks, with beheadings,
    killings and the destruction of churches by Islamist groups with ISIS links. Missionaries and other church personnel are being systematically pushed out, with the Christian presence in Cabo Delgado systematically reduced. Please pray that the demonic spiritual strongholds will be pulled down, and peace restored in the Northern Mozambique, so that the light of the gospel may spread.
  • Democratic Republic of Congo – For years now the DRC has had an underreported low intensity civil war, with thousands killed, villages destroyed, women raped by armed bandits, seemingly will little or no resistance from government. Abductions and disappearances have become regular occurrences. A country with so much economic potential has come to economic ruin, with many suffering, while some have become economic refugees in South Africa and elsewhere. Pray for the end of corruption in high places and the return of peace. Pray for the prophetic voice of the churches to be heard
  • Cameroon – Conflicts persists between Francophone and English speaking Cameroonians, often
    becoming catalysts for violence. Injustice, inequalities and corruption have led to many leaving their country and are economic refugees in South Africa and elsewhere. Pray for the prophetic voice of the church to be heard. Also pray for reconciliation and Peace.

Please continue to pray over these nations and be open for any practical assistance the Lord might lead you into.
Yours with Him – Moss Ntlha
Rev Moss Ntlha (General Secretary)]]>

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