Global Week to #ACT4SDGS to be “A Turning Point for People and Planet”



COVID-19 is turning our lives upside down. People all around the world are taking to the streets and joining in solidarity for a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine and create a better future. One that is more equal. More active on climate change. That ends poverty. And protects health. We have the universal plan we need for a just and sustainable recovery from the pandemic: the Sustainable Development Goals.  
Each year millions of people across the world mobilize to take individual and collective action for people and the planet while world leaders meet at the UN General Assembly. The goal is to mark the anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, the universal plan to create a better world by 2030, by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change
This September is a unique moment when the United Nations General Assembly will convene all world leaders for the first time since the pandemic began. They will mark five years since 193 countries endorsed the Goals, as well as the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.
The 2020 Global Week to Act4SDGs, on September 18-26, is a joint call to action for everyone– leaders, citizens, organizations and institutions- to commit to make this a Turning Point for People and Planet and put the Goals at the heart of their recovery plans, to use the next ten years to deliver all the Sustainable Development Goals, together.
This is a turning point for people and the planet. Let’s turn it in the right direction, and recover better together!

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