Prayer Alert: Pastor Executed by the Boko Haram in Nigeria

Prayer Alert
Pastor executed by the Boko Haram in Nigeria
23rd January 2020
Boko Haram militants in Nigeria (Image source: CBN)
Reverend Lawan Andimi, a Nigerian pastor was recently executed by the terrorist group Boko Haram. Pastor Andimi was kidnapped on the 2nd of January after a Boko Haram raid on Michika, a town in Adamawa, northeast Nigeria. The information about the pastor’s capture was made public by the releasing of a Facebook video three days after his kidnapping.
In the video Andimi tells his loved ones to not panic but pray. “Be patient. Don’t cry, don’t worry, but thank God for everything” he bravely proclaimed.
Rev. Andimi who served as a chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN)  pleaded to his colleagues and  the Adamawa state governor Ahmadu Umoru Fintri and other authorities to work towards his release. He added “If the opportunity has not been granted, maybe it is the will of God”.
On Monday, after weeks of captivity, the rebel militants executed the father of eight children. This was confirmed by the head of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).
Ahmad Salkida, a Muslim journalist who has been a primary means for Boko Haram to release information, reported in a tweet that the group beheaded Pastor Andimi on Monday afternoon.
“To break some news items can traumatize. I’m battling with one of such. Reverend Andimi, abducted by #BokoHaram was executed yesterday,” Salkida tweeted. “Rev. Andimi was a church leader, a father to his children and the community he served. My condolences go to his family.”
Prayer points:

  • Pray for God’s comfort over Rev. Andimi’s grieving family and loved ones
  • Pray that the Nigerian government would step up security in the country
  • Pray that the authorities would bring to justice those responsible for Rev. Lawan Andimi’s death
  • Pray for God’s protection over all Christians in Nigeria


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